
Folksy Summer School

I had not long joined Twitter when I saw a tweet posted by @Folksy


Not knowing what they needed volunteers for I followed the link. Folksy Summer School! As I am at the beginning of my crafting journey I thought this is the place I need be! Saturday 10th August came round very quickly. It was a nippy morning and I was pleased to put on my Folksy Volunteer t-shirt and collect my Summer School Bag.

The folksy team had clearly been working their knitted socks off and had prepared so much. The venue was looking great. We were tucked away at the Woodland Discover Centre in Sheffield. Clear zones were marked out in a beautiful map.

1a - Folksy Summer School Map

I checked out the volunteer rota and was slightly daunted to see that I was in charge of the camera for some of the talks. I apologies now if they are a bit shaky! Folksy have shared several of the talks online. Check out this one by Emma Jones of ‘Starting out and growing your business’.

 1b - Workshop Board

Early morning I joined the Mollie Makes team in their crochet corner. I am an absolute beginner, having only attempted crochet a couple of times with a friend over large glasses of wine. I was very grateful to @nina_camacho_ for her patience with me. I found it really fiddly to start with. The lovely Ruby from Frank & Olive offered extra help and it was when I used one of her larger crochet hooks that I finally began to get the hang of it.

The day met all of my expectations and more. It was wonderful to meet so many lovely people all sharing a passion for all things crafty. From my fellow volunteers, to the folksy team and the guest speakers – you were all fab. I was sad to finish my volunteering shift knowing you were all meeting up the next day for part 2. I will just have to wait for the anticipated return of Folksy Summer School 2014.  I am keeping a very close eye on @folksy for any such news!
