
2014 is certainly here!

A belated Happy New Year to you from Katie Gets Crafty. I hope you all had a wonderful festive break and have braved the cold and rain of January.  Like many of you I spent most of January resting, recovering and planning for the year ahead. Now February is here I feel like it is time to put those plans into action.

Firstly February is my birthday month and on Sunday I turned 29. There I said it, 29! I have had mixed emotions about this but I have decided I love my new age. I am now a proper grown up but I can still, just about, get away with some childish fun behavior. Despite feeling pretty rubbish with a head cold I was totally spoilt and enjoyed a really relaxing day. Check out this fun bag that a special friend got for me. It’s so cheeky and I love it! It’s from the collection of Kelly Connor Designs.

11a. Knitting

On turning 29 I have set myself some personal goals to achieve before the big 30. The main focus of these goals are to push myself more and to not let nerves and lack of confidence get in the way of trying new things. That said I am very excited (and a little nervous) to be helping out the lovely @livepeachy by hosting the occasional #craftblogclub this year. #craftblogclub is a twitter chat that takes place every Tuesday 7-8:30pm for like minded craft bloggers and lovers of all crafts. It’s a fun and really friendly place where we discuss topics and support one another. Make sure you join me on Tuesday 4th Feb as I host for the first time and launch this month’s challenge.

I am so excited to really kick start 2014 and I hope you are too. There are big plans for Katie Gets Crafty in 2014. There is also a move to contend with at the end of Feb so do bare with me if the blog goes a little quiet. But I promise Katie Gets Crafty will be very active this year with lots of new projects in the pipeline. I can’t wait to share them all with you. Wishing you all the very best for 2014! Let’s get to it!

Inspiration, Knitting & Crochet, Sewing

#craftblogclub Secret Santa

The wonderful Emma from @livepeachy is the host of #craftblogclub and for Christmas Emma had the idea of setting up a secret santa for all #craftblogclub regulars. As Christmas has now come and gone the secret is out so I am able to talk about it!

I was given the lovely Sonia from @layoutlines to make a christmas gift for. I decided to make Sonia some personlised bunting. I was very relieved to read the following tweet that not only had Sonia received my secret santa, but that she liked it! ‘Feeling the #craftblogclub Christmas love, yay, big thank you to my #secretsanta’.

10a - Sonia SSIt was so great watching all the tweets come in with everyone sharing their lovely handmade secret santa gifts. I received my gift on 3rd Jan and I can tell you everyone in the house knew about it! I was running around like a kid on Christmas morning. My parcel had come all the way from America from @teenagebabushka.  I was very lucky to receive not one but two hand made gifts! Check out my headband hat and wrist warmers. I am still feeling the #craftblogclub Christmas love. A big thank you to @teenagebabushka for my secret santa and to all #craftblogclubers for taking part in a very special secret santa.

10b - Secret Santa


Made London 2013

Last month I headed to London for Made London. As they proclaim on their website the aim of the event is ‘to showcase the very best and most original makers in this country and beyond, exhibiting the highest quality contemporary craft and design’. The quality certainly blew me away! It wasn’t only the exhibitors that blew me away. The venue for this event was Sir John Soane Church. This amazing venue provided such an interesting variety of spaces for the exhibitors. In the crypt they made use of the arches and on the first floor the stands were set next to the stunning alter and stained glass window. I can certainly say I have never been to a craft show in such a dramatic setting.

7b - Venue

I want to share with you my two favourite exhibitors from the day. I absolutely fell in love with the wonderful hand stitched leather creatures and creations of Hetty and Dave. I first came across Hetty and Dave in issue 16 of Mollie Makes. I was so excited to be able to see the products and the detail in real life. The slug doorstops made me smile, but my favourite by far was the foxy brooch and gloves.

I also want to mention the work of Helaina Sharpley. I was totally taken aback when I came across her stand as I had never seen anything quite like it. Helaina is a wirework artist and her 3d artwork is spectacular. Read about Helaina’s approach to wirework here.

I will certainly be looking out for Made London 2014.

Inspiration, Sewing

Christmas Crafts, old and new

I had the most wonderful weekend of crafting! I completely took over the lounge and dining room to make a start on all my Christmas crafts. Firstly the new project; if you read my blog Stitch, Sew and Hobbycrafts you will have seen some wonderful fat quarters that I couldn’t resist. If I am honest I wasn’t sure what size a fat quarter was but I now know they are usually 18 inches by 22 inches. Fat quarters are fantastic for little projects and quilting. I decided to use my fat quarters to make Christmas bunting! I wanted to make sure I made the most of the fat quarters, therefore I spent a lot of time working out the best size for the flags. I went with 6 inches along the top by 6.5 inches from the point to top. This was the size when the flags were cut, so I did lose a little when sewing.

4e - Christmas Fat Quarters

6 a - Christmas Bunting

6 b - Christmas Bunting

6 c - Christmas Bunting

6d - Christmas Bunting

I am really pleased with my cute Christmas bunting. The fabric is just gorgeous with a traditional but very modern look. Once I have added the binding at the top I will post a picture and let you all know where you can buy them! If you can’t wait until then send me a tweet @katiegetscrafty or leave me a comment.

For my old (faithful) project I used a template for Christmas sacks that was passed onto me by my Aunty Karen. Karen is a wonderful crafter ,with my sister and I benefiting over the years. When we were little girls we would receive handmade dresses, whilst more recently we were made beautiful Christmas placemats and tablecloths. A firm favourite of both of ours has to be our Christmas sack. They play such a special part on Christmas morning. Three years ago Karen was kind enough to give me the template so I could make one for my goddaughter. It went down a treat and I hope it means as much to her in years to come as it has for my sister and I.

So this weekend I dug out the template and got making!

6e - Christmas Sacks 2

6f - Christmas Sacks 3

6h - Christmas Sacks

I am still to add the star to the tree and the name of the lucky recipients. I will post a picture once they are finished. I do hope you like the Christmas sacks and the festive bunting. What are you all making for Christmas? I would love to hear all about your Christmas crafts, old and new.


Stitch, Sew and Hobbycrafts Show

This weekend I attended the Stitch, Sew and Hobbycrafts Show. Since moving to Devon I have been to the show each year with my fiancés Mum and Aunty. It’s an event we look forward to as we get lots of ideas for our crafty projects, as well the chance to have a good old natter and catch up!

This year’s show exhibited a selection of costumes from Les Miserables of which I am still to watch! A couple of years back clothes from the first series of Downton Abbey were on display. This year it was great to see a number of stall holders selling the new Downton inspired fabrics. I had looked at them a lot online so it was great to see them in real life. The colours were as beautiful as I had hoped. I just love the teal colours in the Lady Sybil range. You can check them out here.

The highlight of this years show was the stunning display by Devon-based textile enthusiast Alison Murray. The collection of ‘Big Books’ were 9 feet high with turning pages. Each page represented a season of which spring was my favourite with the beautiful crochet blossom tree and wisteria. Check out this clip of Alison talking about how she made this creation along with the help of many volunteers.

4a - Autumn

4b - Spring

4c - Summer

4d - Winter

We left feeling really inspired and ready to get crafty. I couldn’t leave without getting this beautiful Christmas fat quarter bundle from the Exeter Sewing Machine Company. I am making mini Christmas bunting with them. They will be on my folksy page soon so watch this space!

4e - Christmas Fat Quarters

Inspiration, Sewing

What makes a good tutorial?

Emma from @livepeachy is the founder and host of #craftblogclub, a weekly get together on twitter for craft bloggers and craft lovers alike. Each week we have a topic, for example last weeks was ‘What makes a good tutorial?’ As a beginner I often follow online tutorials. They are a great way to see if I am doing it right! I do love books, magazines and patterns but sometimes I just need to see someone else doing it for me to really get it and understand. I had just finished making some lovely cushions following an online tutorial so I was pleased to have the opportunity to share this great video with others during our weekly #craftblogclub.

A few months back I got my hands on this lovely fabric at a local charity shop. I wasn’t sure at first what I was going to make with it but soon decided I was going to attempt cushions.

3a - Fabric

As a beginner I am not ready to battle zips yet, so I found an envelope cushion tutorial online by The Crafty Gemini. I love how clear Vanessa is in this video. Clear instructions with great close up shots. I would recommend the video to any beginner like me. I was really pleased with the finish; I even felt confident enough to add some buttons. It was my first time making a buttonhole on my machine and it was so much easier than I thought. I don’t know why I hadn’t done it before. I think I will be adding buttons to everything from now on! I used another tutorial for sewing on the buttons. I know this is a simple sewing technique but I wanted to be sure they were secure. I used this video to check out the best technique.

I am really pleased with the final result, so much so that I will give them to my Mum as a Christmas present. It’s ok, she isn’t online so she won’t see them!

3b - Cushions

Thanks to #craftblogclub I was able to share this tutorial with others as well as bookmark lots of tutorials that others recommended. For those of you not familiar with #craftblogclub we meet every Tuesday 7-8pm. Make sure you follow @livepeachy to keep up to date with the weekly topic as well as fun crafty challenges. Maybe see you there next week?


Spinning at the Rivers Meet

August was the month I finally got away for a holiday. I was so excited to have an entire week in Leeds with my sister for two reasons. Firstly, she is awesome (she didn’t pay me to say that, she really is). Secondly, my sister made me an Aunty this year! Since the arrival of my nephew I had only managed to snatch the odd day here and there with him, so the prospect of 7 days was very exciting. So, I headed off to Leeds with my Sewing Machine (in it’s new padded/spotty bag) and a smile!

2a - Sewing Machine Bag

The week was fantastic. We managed to fit in a lot, Pramtastic, walks, shopping and baby club. However, the most anticipated outing was lunch at Rivers Meet. My sis had told me of this magical place where her friends meet, drink tea and eat cake whilst surrounded by lots of crafting goodness!

Rivers Meet did not disappoint. As soon as we walked through the door we were greeted by a lovely lady spinning.  She must have noticed my eagerness as she immediately jumped out of her seat and welcomed me to have a go. It was a lot harder than it looked. Getting the rhythm just right on the foot peddle whilst feeding the wool at the same time required gentleness and precision. Check out my ball of wool in varying thickness.

2b - Spinning

 2c - Wool!

After having a spin we sat and ate lunch. Whilst my nephew had a little nap I took the opportunity to explore the rest of the building. The front room was a very creative space geared up for various workshops of which I would certainly attend if I lived locally.  There is also a little shop with fabrics, buttons and felting kits. I couldn’t resist this elephant print fabric. I am not sure what I will make with it yet but I am sure it will appear in my nephew’s room soon.

2d - Elephant Fabric

I am now counting down the weeks to my next holiday and this time I will have three reasons to be excited, my sister, my nephew and Rivers Meet!


Folksy Summer School

I had not long joined Twitter when I saw a tweet posted by @Folksy


Not knowing what they needed volunteers for I followed the link. Folksy Summer School! As I am at the beginning of my crafting journey I thought this is the place I need be! Saturday 10th August came round very quickly. It was a nippy morning and I was pleased to put on my Folksy Volunteer t-shirt and collect my Summer School Bag.

The folksy team had clearly been working their knitted socks off and had prepared so much. The venue was looking great. We were tucked away at the Woodland Discover Centre in Sheffield. Clear zones were marked out in a beautiful map.

1a - Folksy Summer School Map

I checked out the volunteer rota and was slightly daunted to see that I was in charge of the camera for some of the talks. I apologies now if they are a bit shaky! Folksy have shared several of the talks online. Check out this one by Emma Jones of ‘Starting out and growing your business’.

 1b - Workshop Board

Early morning I joined the Mollie Makes team in their crochet corner. I am an absolute beginner, having only attempted crochet a couple of times with a friend over large glasses of wine. I was very grateful to @nina_camacho_ for her patience with me. I found it really fiddly to start with. The lovely Ruby from Frank & Olive offered extra help and it was when I used one of her larger crochet hooks that I finally began to get the hang of it.

The day met all of my expectations and more. It was wonderful to meet so many lovely people all sharing a passion for all things crafty. From my fellow volunteers, to the folksy team and the guest speakers – you were all fab. I was sad to finish my volunteering shift knowing you were all meeting up the next day for part 2. I will just have to wait for the anticipated return of Folksy Summer School 2014.  I am keeping a very close eye on @folksy for any such news!
